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New FEMA Flood Maps – OPEN HOUSE Meeting

FEMA has released new flood zone maps, adding thousands more residents into high-risk flood zones.

The new maps are effective 12/20/24 requiring property owner’s immediate attention!

Three open houses are being held in September at locations countywide to provide residents an opportunity to learn more about their flood zones and risks! Representatives from the county, municipalities, FEMA and the insurance industry will be available answer questions and provide information. The meeting for Gulf Stream will be held on September 11, 2024, 5:00-8:00 PM at the Boynton Beach Police Dpt. Community Room, 2100 High Ridge Road, Boynton Beach, FL.

EVERYONE IS AT RISK FOR FLOODING NO MATTER WHAT ZONE YOU LIVE IN! If you have any questions, please call the county’s Flood Hotline at 561-233-5374.

Smart Meter FAQs

The Town has contracted to purchase and install smart meters for all residents and businesses currently on the Gulf Stream water system. This does not impact Boynton Beach Water Utility customers. Below are the answers to frequently asked questions regarding the meter replacement process.

  • Why do water meters need to be replaced?
    Meters and their registers become less accurate as they age. Many water meters in our system are over 20 years old and are due for replacement.
  • Will my water service be interrupted during installation?
    Yes, the installer will turn off the water on either side of your old meter during the installation. Typically, installation should take 30 minutes and the water will be turned back on when completed. In some cases, other repairs may be necessary, resulting in a longer interruption of service. Once water service is restored, the installer will attempt to purge any air trapped in the service line. If some air is left in the line, you may notice a sputtering sound the first time you operate a fixture. This should only last a few seconds and will not cause any harm. The first few gallons of water may be discolored. You can remove any additional air trapped in your line by running cold water for a few minutes. Typically, the faucet on your laundry room tub can be opened to flush out trapped air.
  • Do I need to be home for a meter replacement?
    No, the installer will attempt to notify the homeowner; however, the work will continue as scheduled even if the homeowner is unavailable. Meter replacement does not require access to your home or business.
  • Where is my water meter located? Most water meters are located in front of your house between your property line with your neighbor’s house in the Town’s right-of-way, or in back of your property in an easement by the property line.
  • Is there a charge for the new meter?
    No, there is no charge to the customer. The new meters are an investment in our infrastructure that will improve billing efficiency and customer service.
  • Will my water bill increase?
    Older meters tend to run slower, with less accuracy. A new meter will measure actual consumption better. Call Customer Service at (772) 770-5300 if your bill seems unusually high for your household after the meter is replaced.
  • Are the new meters the same as the ones being replaced?
    The new meters look similar to your existing meter and have an electronic transmitter receiver attached. These automate reading to greatly improve efficiency and reduce costs.
  • How will I know the installer works for you?
    All installers wear uniforms, carry picture identification badges, and drive a vehicle with the National Metering Services company logo.
  • What if I don’t want my meter changed?
    This is not an option; all meters will be changed.
  • Does my meter have to be exchanged? Yes. The new meter is required for future billing.
  • What if the valves won’t work or a valve is broken during installation? If the water needs to be turned off at the corporation stop in the street because of a broken valve, the replacement will take much longer. If the valve is broken by our installer, it will be replaced.
  • May I make repairs while the water is off? No.
  • Is there any special care or maintenance that I need to do to my new meter? No, your meter does not require any maintenance by the homeowner.
  • How secure is the data/information that will be transmitted? Because of the specialized equipment and alternating frequencies being used, the information would be extremely difficult for unauthorized acquisition or hacking. The transmission itself contains only the numbers associated with your current meter reading and number identifying your meter to compare with our records to ensure a match. To protect your privacy, no personal data is transmitted.
  • Is there a hazard from the radio transmitter in my home? The manufacturer states the radio devices comply with FCC Part 15.247 regulations.
  • What about my landscaping around the meter? Unfortunately, any landscaping that intrudes into the meter box area will need to pruned and possibly removed. Any landscaping that blocks, covers or inhibits the installation and maintenance of the meter will be removed and not replaced.

Lawn Watering Restrictions

Residents in the Town are restricted by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) to Phase II watering restrictions. Odd numbered addresses may irrigate on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday and even numbered addresses may irrigate on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, both during non-daylight hours. Irrigation between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. is prohibited by the SFWMD. For guidelines on new sod and new plantings, please contact the Town Hall. You may download the schedule by clicking HERE.

Pet Reminders

  • All pets MUST be on a leash within the Town limits. The only exception would be on your private property.
  • When walking your dog, please be courteous to other residents and pedestrians by taking responsibility for your dog’s waste.